Zip Codes in Sands Point, New York | Zip Code | Area Code | | 11050 | 516 | Get Map |
People in Sands Point, NY | Population | 2,833 | Pop. Density | 668.4 | Pop. Change | 1.69% | Median Age | 44.7 | Households | 884 | Household Size | 3.16 | Male Population | 47.76% | Female Population | 52.24% | Married Population | 71.56% | Single Population | 28.44% | Estimated Total Population By Age | Age 0 to 4 | 6.08% | Age 5 to 9 | 6.86% | Age 10 to 14 | 8.22% | Age 15 to 17 | 5.15% | Age 18 to 20 | 2.39% | Age 21 to 24 | 4.47% | Age 25 to 34 | 6.04% | Age 35 to 44 | 12.44% | Age 45 to 49 | 7.93% | Age 50 to 54 | 8.40% | Age 55 to 59 | 9.11% | Age 60 to 64 | 6.58% | Age 65 to 74 | 9.33% | Age 75 to 84 | 5.04% | Age 85 and over | 1.97% | Race | White | 84.79% | Black | 2.02% | Asian | 10.12% | American Indian | 0.00% | Other | 2.26% | Hispanic | 5.11% | Non-Hispanic | 94.88% | Family | Married, w/children | 37.37% | Married, no children | 44.53% | Single, w/children | 2.64% | Single, no children | 15.68% | Divorced | 3.90% | Separated | 3.23% | Widowed | 5.22% | Now Married | 69.15% | Never Married | 18.89% |
Economy in Sands Point, NY | 3.40% | Unemployment Rate | -0.71% | Recent Job Growth | 13.70% | Future Job Growth | 8.75% | Sales Taxes | 7.13% | Income Taxes | $96,062 | Income per Cap. | $276,533 | Household Income | Estimated Households by Household Income | 3.32% | Income Less Than 15K | 3.78% | Income between 15K and 25K | 1.60% | Income between 25K and 35K | 2.52% | Income between 35K and 50K | 7.10% | Income between 50K and 75K | 4.93% | Income between 75K and 100K | 11.11% | Income between 100K and 150K | 14.43% | Income between 150K and 250K | 14.09% | Income between 250K and 500K | 37.11% | Income greater than 500K | Population by Occupation | 24.19% | Management, Business, and Financial Operations | 40.81% | Professional and Related Occupations | 6.29% | Service | 25.97% | Sales and Office | 0.00% | Farming, Fishing, and Forestry | 0.73% | Construction, Extraction, and Maintenance | 2.02% | Production, Transportation, and Material Moving |
Housing in Sands Point, NY | Median Home Age | 49 | Median Home Cost | $1,090,000 | Home Appreciation | -0.68% | Homes Owned | 91.66% | Housing Vacant | 2.55% | Homes Rented | 5.57% | Property Tax Rate | $20.50 | Owner-Occupied Housing Units By Value | Less Than $20,000 | 0.00% | $20,000 to $39,999 | 0.00% | $40,000 to $59,999 | 0.00% | $60,000 to $79,999 | 0.00% | $80,000 to $99,999 | 0.00% | $100,000 to $149,999 | 0.00% | $150,000 to $199,999 | 0.00% | $200,000 to $299,999 | 2.43% | $300,000 to $399,999 | 0.36% | $400,000 to $499,999 | 2.67% | $500,000 to $749,999 | 1.09% | $1,000,000 or more | 88.94% | Housing Units by Year Structure Built | 1999 to October 2005 | 5.58% | 1995 to 1998 | 2.34% | 1990 to 1994 | 1.67% | 1980 to 1989 | 4.91% | 1970 to 1979 | 8.59% | 1960 to 1969 | 15.96% | 1950 to 1959 | 31.03% | 1940 to 1949 | 8.93% | 1939 or Earlier | 20.98% |
Education Statistics for Sands Point, NY | School Expend. | $11,478 | Pupil/Teacher Ratio | 15 | Students per Librarian | 541 | Students per Counselor | 450 | 2 yr College Grad. | 3.17% | 4 yr College Grad. | 29.01% | Graduate Degrees | 42.42% | High School Grads. | 96.07% |
Transportation in Sands Point, NY | Commute Time | 43.1 | Commute Mode | Auto (alone) | 57.15% | Carpool | 8.42% | Mass Transit | 22.42% | Work at Home | 9.62% | Commute Time to Work | Commute Less Than 15 min. | 22.58% | Commute 15 to 29 min. | 17.74% | Commute 30 to 44 min. | 18.46% | Commute 45 to 59 min. | 10.66% | Commute greater than 60 min. | 30.56% |
Cost Of Living in Sands Point, NY | Overall | 212 | Food | 139 | Health | 179 | Housing | 337 | Utilities | 163 | Transportation | 119 | Miscellaneous | 136 |
Religion in Sands Point, NY | Percent Religious | 76.00% | Catholic | 52.03% | Protestant | 5.61% | LDS | 0.12% | Baptist | 0.40% | Episcipalian | 1.21% | Pentacostal | 0.45% | Lutheran | 1.86% | Methodist | 1.30% | Presbyterian | 0.40% | Other Christian | 1.87% | Jewish | 15.51% | Eastern | 0.02% | Islam | 0.84% |